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Dr. Elena Karandzhulova
Dr. Elena Karandzhulova is a specialist in Nervous Diseases.
- 1982-1988 - Medical University of Stara Zagora.
- 1997 - Medical Academy, Sofia, postgraduate professional qualification.
- Focus on the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, headaches and dementias.
- Professional experience and training in the field of emergency neurology and prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular disease.
Work experience:
- 1989-1999 - Hospital MHAT "Dr. Chakmakov" Ltd. Radnevo
- 1999-2014 - Hospital MHAT "Prof. Dr. Stoyan Kirkovich" AD, Stara Zagora
- 2012-2013 - Ministry of Health - Republican Consultant in Neurology
- 2014-2017 - Hospital Trakia Hospital EOOD, Stara Zagora
She has been working at the HBO Medical Support Center since May 1, 2018.