Lymphatic drainage (pressotherapy)
Modern lifestyle can have a negative impact on our body and lead to some adverse effects. Stress, lack of physical exercise, unhealthy food – these are all factors influencing the state of the metabolic processes. Unfortunately, the impact of these factors becomes visible and sometimes even painful:
- Blood circulation problems appear that most commonly affect the abdomen, the thighs and the buttocks;
- Harmful substances are accumulated as a result of the metabolic processes;
- The number of fat cells increases;
- Limbs begin to swell;
- Multiple varicose veins are formed;
Lymphatic drainage can be used as a means of preventing and treating these problems. Its efficacy has been proven in the treatment of various types of lymph oedema:
- It is an effective tool in fighting cellulite;
- It has a slimming effect;
- Prevents leg swelling and occurrence of varicose veins;
- Stimulates extracellular fluid exchange;
- Improves the blood flow and tissues are saturated with oxygen;
- Skin elasticity is naturally improved and leg fatigue disappears;
- After applying pressotherapy the whole body feels unusual ease.
The lymphatic drainage device is used for medical and cosmetic purposes.
The lymphatic drainage is controlled by a computer and specially developed software. The therapist sets the required parameters according to the individual needs of each patient. From the control panel, the airflow and compression force applied to the patient can be adjusted. It is an indispensable means of facilitating life in our busy everyday life.
Schedule an appointment for lymphatic drainage in Stara Zagora by calling: 042 230 155 and 0879 322 190 or at the following address 19, Dr. Todor Stoyanovich Str.