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Dr. Ivaneta Alexandrova
Dr. Ivaneta Alexandrova is a Pulmonologist.
- 1996 - graduated Medicine at the Technical University of Stara Zagora
- 2011 - Recognized specialty Internal Medicine
- 2018 - Recognized specialty in Lung Diseases: Pulmonology and Phthisiology
- From 2000 - works in SBALPFZ EOOD Stara Zagora / former dispensary for lung diseases /
Qualification courses:
- 2010 - Infectious control of tuberculosis and MDR-TB
- Certificates for conducted modules for Functional examination of respiration
- Participation in BDBB congresses
- Member of BSLD / Bulgarian Society of Lung Diseases / and ERS / European Respiratory Society /
She has been working at the HBO Medical Support Center since May 1, 2018.