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Dr. Pavel Atanasov

Vascular surgery specialist

Professional interests: Minimally invasive "bloodless", "endovascular" surgical procedures of the arterial and venous system.
Conventional reconstructive arterial reconstruction - "bypass" operations with implantation of synthetic and autovenous transplants.
Venous reconstructive surgery. Diseases of the lymphatic system - primary and secondary lymphedema. Providing venous access for chroniodialysis. And chemotherapy. Treatment of chronic difficult to heal wounds.

Professional orientation:

Outpatient activities:

  • Ultrasound diagnosis of vascular diseases, anomalies and syndromes - Doppler, 2D and 3D, Duplex sonography of the arterial and venous peripheral and extracranial system.
  • Treatment of chronic, difficult to heal wounds - surgical wounds, atonic venous, compression and diabetic ulcers.
  • Sclerotherapy of varicose and reticular veins.

Treatment and diagnostic activities in inpatient clinical conditions:

  • Conventional reconstructive arterial reconstruction - "bypass" operations with implantation of synthetic and autovenous transplants. * Vascular reconstructive surgery for aneurysms (expansions) of the abdominal aorta, its main branches and peripheral vessels. * Minimally invasive "bloodless", "endovascular" surgical procedures of the arterial and venous system:
  • Implantation of stents and endografts in arterial reconstructions of carotid and peripheral vessels, venous reconstructions.
  • Vascular microsurgery - planned and emergency (complications of invasive cardiac interventions, traumatic amputations of limbs or parts of them - reimplantation microvascular surgery). * Venous reconstructive surgery - surgical treatment of chronic venous disease and postthrombotic syndrome - minimally invasive (* Endo Venous Laser Ablation (EVLA) of varicose veins., Endoscopic rupture of perforating veins) and classic conventional vascular.
  •  Providing vascular access for hemodialysis - arteriovenous fistulas (AVF), * Implantation of temporary (Seldinger) and permanent (Permkat) catheters for hemodialysis.
  • Implantation of vascular prostheses for hemodialysis * Implantation of venous accesses (Central venous catheters) and (Port a cat) for chemotherapy. Modern medical approaches to treatment.
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