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Galya Yankova
2001 - graduated from the Technical University of Gabrovo with a degree in Business Management and Communications
2014-2015 - Classic massages + Reiki
2016 - professional training at the Ministry of Education and Science - Training Center "Omega" Plovdiv for classical massages, SPA therapies and therapeutic massage + massage / therapy / with honey, aromatherapy and reflexology.
2016- 2017 - massage salon "Flamingo"
2017- May 2018 - SPA center and relaxing massages "Zara Aesthetics"
from July 2018 - works in "HBO Medical Support Center" - therapeutic and classical massages.
Additional certificates:
23.06.2015 - Reiki
21.07.2018 - Master of Reiki
March 14, 2018 - Hijam therapy (certified by Sergey Kuznetsov)